General Services
Our Services include investigation and reporting in the fields of:
- Traffic Accidents and Road Safety
- Agricultural Engineering
- Alternative, Renewable and Gaseous Fuels
- Automotive Design and Engineering
- Engines, Fuel systems and Combustion
- (General) Mechanical Engineering
- Quad bike safety
- Standards Compliance
- Vehicle Systems and Performance(General) Transportation issues
With a particular focus on:
- Automotive powertrain (engine and transmission) analysis
- Agricultural equipment and machinery
- Vehicle dynamics and handling
- Car and truck brake failure
- Mining equipment and work practices
- General mechanical design
- General mechanism failure
- Injury caused by any of the above occurrences
We can be engaged at any stage of a job or case.
Typically, we are engaged to review a brief already generated by an organisation’s internal staff or by trade-level inspectors from a government department.
Our small and professional nature means that we are usually available to inspect a site or machine at short notice and quickly provide an opinion. Equally, our experienced staff are adept at getting to the core of the issue if supplied with only documentary and photographic evidence.
Please see here for our Terms of Engagement.